The Full-Moon-in-Virgo Limpia Will Help You Get Things Done
Ready, set, go! As the full-moon-in-Virgo energy descends upon us, remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, and think about which role you want to play. There are different approaches to getting to the finish line. Some start slowly but have a lasting impact, while others are more instant and then fizzle out quickly.
Following the Leo full moon that helped us feel more secure, the full moon in Virgo takes that confidence and uses it to get things done. The new moon in Aquarius focused on our place in larger society and our relationships in family, friendship, and love. The humanitarian appeal of Aquarius is good energy to sail into the Virgo full moon, which may lean a bit too much on perfectionism.
Full moons are great for letting things go. In this life, it's important to continuously grow, and like a snake or lizard, as we grow, we shed old skin. It's a natural cycle of life and one that is key to our elevation. During the full moon in Virgo, release whatever it is that is stopping you from finishing that heart-centered project, and know that it doesn't have to be perfect before you launch it into the world.
When Is the Full Moon in Virgo?
The full moon in Virgo peaks at 7:30 a.m. ET on Saturday, Feb. 24. Our lunar friend is sure to appear fully illuminated the night before and after, so you have time to work with the amazing, transformative energy it provides.
What Does the 2024 Full Moon in Virgo Mean?
Life is all about balance, and for ambitious, focused, hard-working Virgo, that's not always easily attainable. You're almost guaranteed a good time if a Virgo has anything to do with it. Quality and comfort are of the utmost importance, and anything less could be perceived as a failure to this earth sign. Be aware of this energy within, whether your sun sign is in Virgo or not. The sixth zodiac sign can cross the line to be overworked and burnt out quickly.
Full moons are a great time for introspection and relaxation, so give yourself a break before you set sail. If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, let it go under the Virgo full moon. If you find it challenging to receive criticism, release it and reassure yourself that critiques can be constructive and helpful to personal growth. If disorganization is what you're facing, set an intention during the full moon in Virgo to reimagine what life would be like in a more orderly fashion. Negative and stagnant energy can build up in clutter and impact your space.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet, which also rules Gemini, but in a much different way. When it comes to Virgo, the planet of communication is ruling over your input and the processing of information, whereas with Gems, it's more about expression. You can work with Mercury to assist with how you process or perceive information, but take special care when doing so. Virgos tend to worry excessively, especially with this Mercury placement, which can debilitate the mind and body.
What Is the Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Say For February's Full Moon in Virgo?
Great Spirit, I have so many ideas, aspirations, and ambitions, and I don't even know where to start. Please help guide me in removing the blocks preventing me from taking the next steps to creating something out of all these spiritual downloads I'm getting. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
What Tarot Card Goes Well With the Full Moon in Virgo?
The Hermit — Virgos need to get clear on things, and that may mean taking time in solitude and going deep within to gain a better understanding.
What Chakra Goes Well With the Full Moon in Virgo?
Throat Chakra — Virgos align with the chakra of communication just like their ruling planet Mercury.
Spiritual Cleansing Limpia Recipe For the Full Moon in Virgo
- Fennel, chamomile, and lavender herbs
- Yellow candle
- Florida Water
- Sage and palo santo
- Moss agate, amethyst, clear quartz crystals
- Chrysanthemum
- Epsom salt
- Begin your full-moon-in-Virgo limpia ritual by creating a sacred home altar with your yellow candle (black works, too) and intuitively place your crystals around it as well as a vase of flowers. Save some of the flowers for your limpia.
- Before lighting your candle, burn some sage and allow the smoke to flow around your space to cleanse any stagnant or negative energy. Let the smoke dance around your Virgo full moon altar, too. Then, when you've set your intentions and feel called to do so, light your candle. You've created a powerful energetic symbol of your full moon work.
- Follow that with burning some Palo Santo to lock in all that good juju.
- Next, fill a medium to large pot with water and bring to a boil. Place the herbs you want to use in a big strainer over a large bowl. Gently pour the hot water over the herbs and watch as the beautiful herb water fills your bowl.
- Add a few splashes of Florida Water to your bowl and mix it in with your hands. Pray, sing, cry, laugh, or dance as you do so. Honor what your body is telling you during this time.
- Add a half cup of Epsom salt and mix in with your hands until it's fully dissolved.
- Cover your limpia with flower petals to tap into the beautiful, uplifting energy of our floral companions.
- Bring your bowl to the shower or wherever you intend to use it. Gently pour it over your body, taking deep breaths and slow exhales while speaking your intentions.
- Watch as the water drains, symbolizing all that you are releasing, washing away, and shedding during the full moon.